Product Overview
UPC #: 893814001161
SKU #: 000000000300086263
Take 1 HerbatoninPRO 0.3mg daily before bed. 0.3mg ideal for long-term continual use.
PLEASE NOTE: Excess melatonin can result in disrupted sleep, shortening the deep sleep period. Patient could experience sound sleep for first 2-4 hours, wake, and then have trouble falling back to sleep. Also, long-term high dose use is not recommended, as this may reduce the sensitivity of receptor sites. For extended use, the recommended dose is 0.3mg of melatonin.
SIDE EFFECTS: For adult use only (over 18 years). Healthcare professionals should use caution for patients with certain autoimmune diseases, diabetes, a depressive disorder, thyroid condition, epilepsy, leukemia, or a lymphoproliferative disorder before recommending this product.
INTERACTIONS: Individuals taking MAO-inhibiting drugs or corticosteroids should not use this product.
no chemicals, additives, exipients, fillers, no gluten, soy, corn, dairy