OncoPLEXTM Plus Myrosinase

Discover the Power of
OncoPLEX™ Plus Myrosinase

4× the Conversion of Glucoraphanin to Sulforaphane*

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Less Glucoraphanin Equals MORE Sulforaphane

It’s all about getting more sulforaphane in the body. So why take more glucoraphanin if you don’t need to? The body can derive more sulforaphane from glucoraphanin when taken with the enzyme myrosinase.*

OncoPLEX™ Plus Myrosinase offers increased conversion in every capsule, helping to improve patient compliance and convenience.*

Graphical representation of 4× conversion rate

4× Better Conversion to Sulforaphane*

Listen to James Munro, ND, XYMOGEN’s medical director and senior director of innovation, explain the science behind OncoPLEX Plus Myrosinase.

The goal is to increase the body’s sulforaphane levels. Because sulforaphane is unstable, supplements provide its stable precursor, glucoraphanin, and hope that the body converts it to sulforaphane efficiently. The conversion occurs in 2 ways: via gut microbiota and the enzyme myrosinase.

The average conversion rate of glucoraphanin to sulforaphane is 10%. By consuming glucoraphanin with myrosinase, that conversion rate jumps to 40%!

A 4-to-1 ratio of glucoraphanin:myrosinase, as found in OncoPLEX Plus Myrosinase, maximizes conversion. Also, 100 mg of vitamin C per 50 mg of glucoraphanin is needed because vitamin C is an enzyme cofactor for myrosinase.*

Visual summary of sulforaphane activation
Common cruciferous vegetables

Mustard Seed Powder: The Sulforaphane Booster*

Mustard seed is an excellent, naturally rich source of myrosinase that has been shown to increase glucoraphanin conversion to sulforaphane. Myrosinase from mustard seed makes a perfect partner to glucoraphanin from broccoli.*

The evidence for mustard seed: Sulforaphane bioavailability is measured by the metabolites yielded in the urine as sulforaphane N-acetyl-L-cysteine (SFN-NAC).
  • SFN-NAC was measured in healthy adults’ urine after consuming cooked broccoli with and without mustard powder.
  • The addition of mustard powder enhanced the formation of SFN-NAC, suggesting that the presence of myrosinase boosts sulforaphane bioavailability.
Graphical representation of sulforaphane bioavailability

Graphical representation of the half-reactivation time of myrosinase

Vitamin C is a Myrosinase Cofactor*

Vitamin C activates the enzyme myrosinase. Researchers showed that without vitamin C, half reactivation of myrosinase took 53 hours compared with only 3.6 hours with vitamin C. Approximately 100 mg of vitamin C per 50 mg of glucoraphanin is ideal.*

OncoPLEX Plus Myrosinase Checks All the Boxes for Optimal Conversion to Sulforaphane

Glucoraphanin with myrosinase from mustard seed
4-to-1 ratio of glucoraphanin:myrosinase
~100 mg of vitamin C per 50 mg of glucoraphanin

Discover how OncoPLEX™ Plus Myrosinase can transform your patient protocols.
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