Bringing Technological Innovation To The Point Of Care

A customizable EMR platform that includes medical forms and charting shortcuts tailored to over 20 healthcare specialties to boost efficiency, reduce errors, and provide an intuitive experience.

How to Get Started

Send product recommendations to your patients from your preferred EMR.

1. Sign up for our Patient Direct program:

Log in to WholeScripts and visit our Patient Direct sign-up page to begin.

2. Visit Charm Health to get started:

Learn how to integrate your WholeScripts account with Charm Health.

3. Hassle-free integration:

Once the integration is set up with your EMR, no additional action is needed on WholeScripts.

4. Send recommendations from your EMR:

See your recommendations displayed on our Recommendations page and enjoy the benefits of providing XYMOGEN formulas to your patients.

Resources & Support

  • Visit Charm Health to learn about its services and integration process.
  • For more information, reach out to your WholeScripts representative or contact us.


  • I am new to Charm Health. Where can I learn more about it?

    Visit for the latest information about its products and services.

  • Do I have to sign up for the Patient Direct program?

    Yes. You need to sign up to send recommendations to your patients via WholeScripts or from your EMR.

  • I work with multiple EMRs. Will you identify where the recommendations are coming from?

    If you work with any of our EMR integration partners, we will label each recommendation on your WholeScripts Recommendations page with the respective EMR.

  • Will I see status updates on my recommendations?

    Yes. You will be able to view the status, indicating whether your patient has viewed, ordered, or deleted your recommendation.

  • Are there any incentives for sending recommendations to my patients?

    You can opt-in to receive consultation fees for any orders placed by your patients when you sign up for our Patient Direct program.