Biotonic 2 fl oz
Brand: Biocidin

Biotonic 2 fl oz

Adaptogenic Tonic
Clinical Applications
  • Organic Chinese formula with botanicals to support adrenals, liver and GI health*
  • Adaptogen tonic that supports the immune system*
  • Liver herbs for supporting detoxification and clearance of cellular waste*

Biotonic contains responsibly sourced Chinese tonic herbs, which complement Biocidin® with nutritional support for the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and adrenals. These tonic botanicals help support the body’s defenses and are indicated when detoxing or cleansing herbs are used for extended periods.*

  • Adaptogenic tonic that supports the immune system and targets digestion.*

  • Responsibly sourced, lab tested for impurities.

Product Overview

UPC #:  899870002081

SKU #:  000000000300086537

10 drops, 2-3 times daily or as directed by your healthcare professional.

Not recommended for use during pregnancy. Consult your physician before using any supplement, especially if you are nursing, have a medical condition, or are taking medication. Discontinue use should adverse reactions occur. Keep out of reach of children.

Store in a cool dry place.


** Any claims presented are made by the manufacturer and not by WholeScripts or the parent company.
supplement facts