WholeScripts API Documentation
External Order Submission
Lastest update 2024/08/14
Brand List
Get a complete list of available product brand names.
Basic authorization header, username and password provided by XYMOGEN
Request URL
GET https://testservices.wholescripts.com/api/Orders/BrandList
Response Example
Category List
Get a complete list of available product category names.
Basic authorization header, username and password provided by XYMOGEN
Request URL
GET https://testservices.wholescripts.com/api/Orders/CategoryList
Response Example
"Adrenal Support",
"Antioxidant Activity",
"Blood Sugar Support",
"Body Composition",
"Bone Health Support",
"Cardiovascular Support",
"Cell-Life Regulation",
"Cytokine Balance Support",
"Essential Fatty Acids",
"Female Health",
"Gastrointestinal Support",
"Immune System Support",
"Joint & Muscle Support",
"Liver Support",
"Male Health",
"Multivitamins & Minerals",
"Neurologic & Cognitive",
"Relaxation & Sleep",
"Sports Nutrition",
"Thyroid Support"
Product List
Get a list of available products for purchase.
Basic authorization header, username and password provided by XYMOGEN
Request Values
search | Pass a string to filter products returned by name, description, brand, category, or SKU (optional) |
instockonly | Pass "true" or "false"; If true, products with 0 or less quantity will not be returned (optional, defaults to false) |
brandname | Pass a string to filter products by brand name. |
Request URL
GET https://testservices.wholescripts.com/api/Orders/ProductList
Response Values
ProductName | Product name |
Sku | Product sku |
MedPaxSku | Associated MedPax product sku |
MedPaxDetails |
Details about the associated MedPax product (null if no related MedPax product):
Categories | Comma delimited string of product categories |
Quantity | Current available quantity |
ReleaseDate | The last date and time (UTC) that the product was updated |
WholesalePrice | Wholesale price (decimal) |
RetailPrice | Retail price (decimal) |
OnlineMAP | Minimum Advertised Price (MAP). Only applies to XYMOGEN brand products. |
UPC | Product's UPC code |
Count | Product count per unit |
Flavor | Product flavor (if available) |
DescriptionShort | Short product description |
DescriptionFull | Full product description, including HTML markup |
Brand | Product brand |
Weight | Product weight |
ProductImage | URL to product image |
SupplementFactsHTML | HTML for product supplement facts |
DefaultDosing | Array of objects that represent the recommended daily dosing for the product (Time and Qty) |
DRS | URL to product DRS document |
CountUnit | Unit of measure for the Count value |
WeightUnit | Unit of measure for the Weight value |
Warnings |
Array of string warnings for the product:
Response Example
"productName": "NeurophX DPN® 60 Capsules",
"sku": "000000000300001012",
"medPaxSku": "000000000200000200",
"medPaxDetails": {
"quantity": 8394,
"wholesalePrice": 0.8000,
"retailPrice": 1.3400,
"name": "NeurophX DPN® Capsules",
"genericName": "B FOLATE WITH ALA"
"categories": "All",
"quantity": 1064,
"releaseDate": "2021-04-01T06:08:00.32",
"wholesalePrice": 45.0300,
"retailPrice": 75.2000,
"upc": "871149004941",
"count": "60",
"flavor": "",
"descriptionShort": "",
"descriptionFull": "NeurophX DPN® is an orally administered medical food* for use only under the supervision of a physician for patients with metabolic nutritional impairments associated with peripheral neuropathy and microvascular complications.",
"brand": "XYMOGEN®",
"weight": 2.4000,
"productImage": "https://www.wholescripts.com/images/thumbs/0006863_neurophx-dpn-60-capsules.png",
"supplementFactsHTML": "",
"defaultDosing": [
"time": "AM",
"qty": 1
"time": "PM",
"qty": 1
"drs": "https://www.wholescripts.com/ProductAttachments/DownloadFile/CB53FA66-6A65-4162-A7CC-46556A2C593E",
"countUnit": "Capsules",
"weightUnit": "OZ",
"warnings": [
Private Label Product List
Get a list of available private label products for a given practitioner, a list of all available MedPax pills, and a list of all available private label cartons.
Basic authorization header, username and password provided by XYMOGEN
Request URL
GET https://testservices.wholescripts.com/api/Orders/PrivateLabelProductList
Response Values
privateLabelProducts |
A list of available private label products including the following values
medPaxPills |
A list of available MedPax pills including the following values
privateLabelCartons |
A list of available private label cartons including the following values
Response Example
"privateLabelProducts": [
"privateLabelName": "3PL Probiotics 30 C",
"sku": "000000000300095860",
"quantity": 0,
"wholesalePrice": 21.57,
"retailPrice": 41.1,
"upc": "",
"count": "30",
"flavor": "",
"weight": 1.6,
"countUnit": "Capsules",
"weightUnit": "OZ",
"isOnBackorder": false
"privateLabelName": "3PL Mood formula 60 C",
"sku": "000000000300095859",
"quantity": 0,
"wholesalePrice": 20.35,
"retailPrice": 39.53,
"upc": "",
"count": "60",
"flavor": "",
"weight": 2.4,
"countUnit": "Capsules",
"weightUnit": "OZ",
"isOnBackorder": false
"medPaxPills": [
"sku": "000000000100000873",
"genericName": "BIOTIN PLUS",
"privateLabelName": "Beauty"
"sku": "000000000200000131",
"genericName": "FLORA SUPPORT",
"privateLabelName": ""
"privateLabelCartons": [
"sku": "000000000200087661",
"name": "Wellness Clinic",
"cartonImage": "https://www.wholescripts.com/images/default-image.png",
"quantity": 0
Submit an order for fulfillment.
If submitting a MedPax box, be sure to add at least three distinct pills and not more than four distinct dosing times. AM, PM, Bedtime, and Daily dosing time variants must also be unique for each MedPax box (ex. You may not have a box with both AM and AM with food).
Basic authorization header, username and password provided by XYMOGEN
Request Values
ShippingAddress |
Shipping address for the order:
Items |
Array of items for the order:
ShippingMethod |
Shipping method for the order, from the following options:
NOTE: if we are unable to get a quote for the method passed, we will attempt to use the STANDARD option to get the best method; if changed, a message will be displayed in the result "msg" value. |
Request URL
POST https://testservices.wholescripts.com/api/Orders/Submit
Request Example
"ShippingAddress": {
"FName": "Test",
"LName": "Test",
"Address1": "123 Main St",
"Address2": "",
"City": "Orlando",
"State": "FL",
"Zip": "32819",
"Email": "test@test.test"
"Notes": "test notes",
"Items": [
"Sku": "000000000300000096",
"Quantity": 1
"Sku": "000000000300001001",
"Quantity": 1
"Sku": "000000000200000633",
"Quantity": 1,
"MedPaxName": "Test",
"MedPaxPills": [
"Sku": "000000000200000225",
"Quantity": 1,
"ItemTime": "AM"
"Sku": "000000000100000893",
"Quantity": 1,
"ItemTime": "AM"
"Sku": "000000000200000217",
"Quantity": 1,
"ItemTime": "AM"
"Sku": "000000000200000203",
"Quantity": 1,
"ItemTime": "AM"
"Sku": "000000000200000138",
"Quantity": 4,
"ItemTime": "AM"
"Sku": "000000000200000193",
"Quantity": 2,
"ItemTime": "AM"
"Sku": "000000000100000893",
"Quantity": 1,
"ItemTime": "PM"
"ShippingMethod": "USPS PRIORITY"
Response Values
OrderNumber | Order number for reference |
Success | True for a successful submission, false if there was a problem |
Msg | A message that will show errors or changes to the order |
Response Example
"orderNumber": "XAPI00000001",
"success": true,
"msg": "Shipping method changed to UPSGROUND"
Get the status of all orders sent to the Submit API.
Basic authorization header, username and password provided by XYMOGEN
Request Values
ordernum | Pass an order number to limit the results to just that order (optional) |
Request URL
GET https://testservices.wholescripts.com/api/Orders/Status?ordernum={ordernumber}
Response Values
OrderNumber | Order number from the Submit service |
OrderDate | When the order was submitted (datetime) |
SalesOrder | Sales order number, generated once the order has reached our fulfillment process and will display on the shipped documentation |
Status |
A status to determine where the order is in the process:
Tracking | An array of tracking numbers, if available |
Message | If a problem was encountered at any point, this value will contain more details |
SubTotal | Order subtotal (decimal) |
ShipMethod | Shipping method |
ShipCharge | Shipping total (decimal) |
Discount | Discount applied to the order (decimal) |
Tax | Tax applied to the order (decimal) |
ServiceFee | Service Fee applied to the order (decimal) |
OrderTotal | Order total (decimal) |
Response Example
"orderNumber": "XAPI00000001",
"orderDate": "2020-09-10T08:51:16.507",
"salesOrder": "0005241942",
"status": "Processing",
"tracking": [],
"message": "",
"subTotal": 75.00,
"shipMethod": "USPSGRDADV",
"shipCharge": 9.95,
"discount": 0.00,
"tax": 0.00,
"serviceFee": 1.53,
"orderTotal": 86.48
Cancel an order that has not yet been sent to fulfillment.
Basic authorization header, username and password provided by XYMOGEN
Request Values
OrderNumber | Order number from the Submit service. |
Request URL
POST https://testservices.wholescripts.com/api/Orders/Cancel
Request Example
"OrderNumber": "XAPI00000001"
Response Values
Success | True if the order was cancelled successfully (bool) |
Msg | String describing the result |
Response Example
"success": true,
"msg": "Order cancelled"
"success": false,
"msg": "Unable to cancel order"