ALA Release 60 Tablets

ALA Release 60 Tablets

Key Metabolic Antioxidant*
Clinical Applications
  • Advanced formula with stabilized R-lipoic acid and biotin
  • Supports blood sugar regulation, and healthy liver and nerves *
  • Participates in the mitochondrial production of cellular energy
  • Provides crucial antioxidant activities, and recycles other antioxidants

Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), an important metabolite synthesized in the mitochondria, is both fat and water soluble, and active in both extracellular and intracellular environments. Besides playing a key role in the production of cellular energy, ALA has important antioxidant functions.* ALA Release is enhanced with a proprietary stabilized form of R-lipoic acid.* Biotin is added because long-term supplementation of alpha-lipoic acid may theoretically increase the need for biotin.* Biotin may also extend the life of alpha-lipoic acid in the body.*

Product Overview

UPC #:  713947763302

SKU #:  000000000300093477

As a dietary supplement, 1 tablet one or two times daily with food, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.

Alpha-lipoic acid may lower blood glucose levels; those with diabetes or related conditions should monitor blood glucose levels. Pregnant or breast-feeding women, those with thiamine deficiency or thyroid disease, and children should use alpha-lipoic acid only under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

Keep in a cool, dry place, tightly capped.

** Any claims presented are made by the manufacturer and not by WholeScripts or the parent company.
supplement facts